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What Is Private Equity Investing?

What is Private Equity Investing?

Private equity Investing. To many, private equity firms have a reputation as predators, swooping in to buy solid companies at rock bottom prices, only to break them apart and sell the pieces for profit. To others, private equity companies have…

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Growth Investing Vs. Value Investing

Growth Investing vs. Value Investing

Growth investing vs. value investing is a topic that often comes up among the investment public. Investors have a broad menu of investment products to select. Classifications within specific industries like technology and consumer staples are standard. Alternatively, sorting equities…

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Funds Of Hedge Funds In Canada

Funds of Hedge Funds in Canada

Funds of Hedge Funds provide an interesting alternative to investing directly into Hedge Funds. Hedge Funds have become a favorite investment option for high net worth investors in Canada. While there are wealth limit restrictions against the average investor participating,…

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Long-Short Investment Strategies

Long-Short Investment Strategies

Long-Short investment strategies are often used by alternative investment managers. Hedge funds are typically limited partnerships, comprised of high net-worth investors, created to maximize return. Canadian hedge funds are managed by designated individuals who invest across a diverse range of products,…

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Canadian Hedge Funds Overview

Canadian hedge funds overview

Canadian hedge funds overview. In 2015, Canadian hedge funds enjoyed a successful year, gaining 6.21% while the Canadian Composite S&P/TSX dropped 11.09%. As a comparison, the U.S. S&P gained less than 1% while U.S. Hedge Funds earned a composite average…

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How To Manage Volatility In A Hedge Fund?

How to manage volatility in a Hedge Fund?

In the following video Paul Beattie, partner at BT Global Growth, discusses how to manage volatility in a Hedge Fund. Video transcript The reality is it’s all about managing volatility. That’s what our firm spends the most time on,…

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